Kendrick Guitar Strings Reviews 5

I had my first couple of sets given to me by Gerald Weber himself at a guitar show. Now I buy them by the half case. I use the #10 (first string) set on my Telecaster and 11's on my Strat. The bigger the string, the bigger the tone.

I like nickel strings for their warm tone but I have never had a set sound this good or LAST this long. These are high quality: no flat spot, burrs, or bad winding.They have an inviting, silky feel with a snappy, lively response.

Best strings I've ever used and I have tried them all.They stand up to heavy trem action, too.

Why someone would spend a fortune on their axe and amp and then string up with crappy strings is a mystery for the ages. I am biased because I am the proud and happy owner of a Kendrick Black Gold 15 combo amp (see review).These guys CARE!

Dan in Santa Cruz rated this unit 5 on 2001-10-30.

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